Danger and Trouble (20)

11 May, JL International Mall, City F

Matthew observed the concerned look on the investigators face. In normal circumstances playing games with people who challenged his authority would be fun, that was contrary to the public good. Calmly he said "General Rong."

At that moment, the investigators face turned pale. Inspector Long must have informed the police who he was and that challenging him would be a bad move.

"General," came the more timid reply. The investigator had lost the will to fight. "We need gather all evidence to ensure a proper investigation."

"Normally I would not disagree, but our priorities have to be rescuing those we can rescue. While I am not an engineer, I cannot see evidence of structural damage so that should not hold us back from that task."

"We have no idea who was behind this, therefore every piece of material and its location is incredibly important, and that has to have priority over people currently. That cannot alter."