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12 May, Military base hospital, City K

Being wheeled into the hospital on a gurney Lexi could hear Matthew and Chester arguing as she awoke from the sedation for the flight. As she went through a set of doors, she heard Chester say "Let me through."

Matthew then responded "Grow up. You know what treatment she needs. And do not forget this is a military hospital. You want to cause a scene and I will have you removed…"

"You and who…?"

"Grow up Chester," came Phillip's voice interrupting him. "It is a military base and Mister General there, if you really want an answer will simple get a few soldiers to take you away and have you banned."

"He would not dare."

"Chester, stop it. I love you, but this is still childish behaviour. You know, if the two of you keep going, I will talk to Lexi myself and have her ask the medical staff to ban both of you."