Forgive me? (6)

12 May, Military base hospital, City K

Conscious that Phillip and Chester were still in the room Matthew, shocked spat out "What!"

"General, General Li expected your response and he told me you can call him to clarify, but in his words, it is a direct order."

Without thinking, Matthew quickly took out his mobile, and immediately called Head Honcho, who answered within three rings, before saying "What is it?"

"You issued a direct order. I do not need that assessment."

"Straight to the point, I see. No respect for my rank."

"Respect, how about respecting me…"

Angrily Head Honcho snapped "I give you more leeway than anyone Athos. I would already be formulating charges against anyone else if they just did what you did. Despite what the public, politicians and even some other members of the military think of those of us in the Special Forces, we are humans first and foremost. Your life dramatically changed over the last six months…"