Who do I task with this?

17 May, Military Base, City K

Matthew sat down at his desk, having locked the door. After both he and Lexi had been through so many things that challenged them emotionally with Colonel Fung and Lieutenant An, he had been released from hospital without incident.

In the end the two of them had been happy with how honestly they dealt with the issues and accepted that they two of them needed to talk about certain things that they had not discussed about the past with each other before anyone else.

As he was leaving Colonel Fung informed them that his recommendation would be that he passed the review but there was one condition that while they continued to work through the minefield that had been caused by their past they needed to see a psychologist once a week, to work through any issue. He could see that this was not an option, it would be a condition on his clearance but made it clear that Lexi was in control of what happened.