Another attack (11)

25 May, Matthew's Villa, City K 

As the car pulled into the front courtyard Joan taking heed of the discussions she had with David, looked around. It was obvious that Matthew's normal security that was organised by Phillip had been superseded by that provided by the military. Interesting.

Joan turned and looked at Naomi, who did not seem concerned at all and said "Interesting?"

"It is, but why let it worry us. You know your friend's position in the military so why is it interesting that there are military guards here," came a quick response from Naomi. Joan, the stupid woman would expose everything is she is not careful and destroy the mission that she had spent years of her life on without a satisfactory conclusion. The question is what she knew? Did she know what David really was? Was she fully on board with that idiot who could not accept the truth about his family let alone everything else that was in front of him or could she use her?