Please help me Brother (1)

28 May, Warren Gong's Villa, City K 

Warren, open the desk drawer, to slip the new handwritten pages with all his concerns and the information he knew about the devil in. Just as he finished hiding those pages, and was starting to close the drip desk drawer, his thoughts were disturbed by a door slamming open. He quickly looked up and observed his sister, with a determined and angry look on her face forcing her way into his Home Office.

"I f*cking need your help," came the angry statement.

Warren, rather than his instinct too angrily retort, and have some of his men drag his sister out, took three calming breaths before stating "What is the problem?"

"Problem? It is a disaster," screamed Madam Yao.

Sensing that his sister was out of control, Warren called out "Someone, please shut the door."