The Formal Ceremony (3)

31 May, Military Base, City K

Having been dragged to the opposite side of the room by John, Bronwyn turned and said, "Why in the world…?"

"Did I drag you away? Remember who is my friend."

"My boss, the betrayer of my identity."

"Your boss, who knows not to annoy his superior, your fire breathing dragon of a father."

"Scared of him, are you?"

Shaking his head John laughed and said "Matthew, no. I know too many of his childhood secrets for him to cause me too many concerns…"

"Because you were involved in that mischief?" responded Bronwyn with a smile.

"Partially, but not all the time." After a pause, John added "Your father? Remember who accused me of being a daughter stealing thief among other things when you introduced me to him. He is definitely a fire breathing dragon, but I think your mother and her family are worse, and then there is your crazy cousins…"