Family Trouble (6)

31 May, Military Base, City K

Having manoeuvred Head Hondo away from his wife Matthew looked around and when he was comfortable enough that it was safe to talk in the open quietly said, "We need to talk about that second source before you leave."

Quickly scanning the area, Head Honcho felt the relief that Matthew had selected a spot where it was safe enough to speak and said, "You pick your moments."

"I do, but it is more about the situation. Lexi is extremely annoyed at me about this, and you better help me properly explain matters."

Sensing Matthew's concerns Head Honcho said, "She does not want him in your home."

"Who can blame her, with everything about him. The only good thing is that Dominic is somewhat happy, because there is one thing for sure, he cares for Dominic despite not being biologically related to him."

"And that is why you are accepting the arrangement. I am not stupid, and I know the risks that we are engaging in. But that…"