Family Trouble (9)

31 May, Military Base, City K

Finally, after spending time arguing with Monica, Paul was able to lead Abigail away, before gathering her into his arms and asked, "Are you alright?"

Leaning her head on his chest Abigail turned it slightly before saying "I just feel so frustrated. Monica wants to hover and protect me like I am the little child she left behind when she married. I am not a child anymore."

Gently kissing Abigail's head Paul said "No you are my wife, and I am your husband. I just feel guilty about the other day."

"Paul, as I have repeatedly said you do not need to feel guilty. My mother is to blame, and we both know she knew the consequences of her actions having been served with the restraining order. It was her choice to do what she did, and now she has to face the consequences of her choice."

"She could have hurt you?"