Family Intervention (7)

1 June, Matthew's Villa, City K

Sarah watched Monica and Jessica walk away. The moment the two of them had seen Warren Gong walk in, they told her exactly who he was, and that if he approached the three of them, they would be getting away from him as soon as possible and told her she should do the same. When they told her that he was the head of the Gong Cartel, she shivered. Growing up where she did, criminal gangs were always present around her, but she remembered during her teenage years a war started by a local gang that decided to challenge one of the top criminal organisations in the country, the Gong Cartel. In one swoop, using violence, the Gong Cartel wiped out the local gang, yes restoring a more peaceful existence in the neighbourhood, but at such a large cost, including her two young cousins who were caught in the crossfire simply coming home from school.