So, do you have a better idea? (1)

2 June, Matthew's Villa, City K

As Matthew opened his eyes, he heard a quiet knock on the bedroom door. Seeing Lexi was still asleep, he carefully moved to the door picking up a dressing gown to cover himself. As he tied the dressing gown around himself, he opened the door, and saw Dominic standing there. Quietly he asked, "What is it Dominic?"

"I want to talk to Mummy," Dominic responded in a loud voice. As he turned, Matthew noticed that Lexi awoke suddenly. Matthew could see the noise had startled her.

Quickly Lexi realised that it was Dominic, and this was the first time since he found out the truth that he had come looking for her. There was no way that she was going to pass up this opportunity. In a still sleepy voice Lexi responded, "Yes Dominic?"

"Can I come in Mummy?"

"Absolutely, just let your Daddy Matthew help me sit up first."