Stop being a Bridezilla (3)

5 June, LY Studio, City K

After hearing the pitch, Lexi was intrigued. The idea of a limited number of pieces, sold in the retail stores each season, with the proceeds to benefit charities sounded great on the surface. The problem was, would it take away from other pieces? Maybe this was something that Karen needed to work through better before a decision was made.

"Maria, you know the idea of doing something for charity through fashion always appeals to me, but I worry about the impacts. But talk it through with Karen firstly. If she thinks it will work, we can go with it. However, I have another idea I want you all to talk through before we discuss it with Karen. All of you in the design team are wonderful designers, but the world does not know it. I want to, in line with the Spring and Fall collections release a small sub-collection by a team member that fits the collection direction but is specifically acknowledged as being designed by someone."