Rachael, help is here (1)

5 June, Rachael's apartment, City K

Lexi, after all of Matthew's lecturers about keeping safe felt worried sitting in her in her chair outside the entry to Rachael's apartment building.  As she watched a car pull up, she tensed until she quickly saw the one person, she was waiting for get out.

Lexi called out "Anna," which prompted her to run straight over.  Lexi could not help herself but to burst out in laughter.

Anna quickly said, "What are you laughing at?" sounding a little angry.

Lexi pointed behind her and said, "The looks on the faces over there."

Anna quickly turned and looked in the direction Lexi had pointed before turning back, slightly reddening with embarrassment before saying "Oops."

"Not use to a doting husband who wants to do everything to ensure that you are safe?"

Quietly Anna said "A paranoid husband ever since I gave birth.  There are times I want to kill him trying to control me.  Does he not know me…"