Personal time (4)

**contains material that may not be suitable for those under the age of eighteen**

8 June, Bronwyn's on-base accommodation, City K

Hearing Paul end the call, John turned and saw the anger in Bronwyn's face.

"What did he mean John?  Come on, honesty."

"Honesty Bronwyn, sometimes I wonder if either of us know what that means?"

"Idiot, we know what honesty means.  We just choose not to be honest.  You know, once I realised how serious we were, I became open and honest with you about my family background.  Work, never was a problem…"

"Yet, you did not tell me everything about your university boyfriend.  You know who told me about that?"

"The old man.  That guy, I had to be nice to him, so dad only knows what I allowed him to see, because I was protecting him.  I hated him, but his father was the then defence minister and I was worried about dad's position if I did anything wrong."