Rumours, Rumours everywhere (6)

10 June, City K Ladies Private High School, City K

"As if I cared about that, miss holier than thou Jemma.  All our mother's hate being reminded that they have teenage daughters, it was just a different reaction.  That does not mean Madam Mo, who normally is wonderful, at least to me, is what people are saying they are."

"Are you moronic," shouted Jemma.

Abigail, having finally moved enough to be beside her best friend, placed her hand on her arm, squeezing gently before saying "You do not get it.  Do you think the police would arrest her if there was no evidence to have them believe she would be convicted of what they are charging her with?  Are you that stupid."  She knew she had the strength for this fight and had to be the one to have it.

"My dad says police can be brought."

"Amanda, you are crazy.  Who believes that?  Only someone like that, whose father has gone to jail.  Every police officer I have met appears to want to help people."