Stay in jail? (4)

10 June, Municipal Courthouse, City K

Silence came from the defence team, before the female prosecutor turned to her.  This was why John wanted her here.  He had expected what would happen and wanted to ensure that there was another way to get material in.  Quickly observing the reactions from the prosecution team, she also realised that only the lead prosecutor knew of her existence before now.

Taking the hint, Bronwyn, stood up and moved towards the witness box, and after she was sworn in said "I am Lieutenant Bronwyn Li, a military lawyer stationed at the Military base here."

Over the next twenty minutes the prosecutor took her through the events that happened at Paul and Abigail's apartment, Abigail's reactions and what she observed yesterday when everyone was at the boss' villa and asked her to apply her professional judgement to why the continuation of the order was necessary, before turning over her questioning to the defence team.