Technology Strike (2)

10 June, David Hwang's Villa, City K

David turned to Joan and smiled before saying, "That should be helpful.  I wonder how soon before it gets a reaction."

Before Joan could respond, both her and David's Weibo accounts started constant notifications from reactions.  Joan, turned and looked directly at David, after she had shared his post and the first responses started flowing, smiled, and said, "The fun has begun."

[@tuttifruitigirl] 'Who teaches a child to do that?'

[@PrincessFairyTeen] '@tuttifruitigirl has to be a parent who has no idea'.

[@BigBomberCommand] '@DavidHwangOfficial Good on you exposing the spoilt little Prince of Kang Group'.

[@LovingTheCountryScenery] '@OfficialKangGroup Does your CEO even deserve respect with a child that?'

[@CocktailBarman1] 'Does anyone expect a bully businessman to have anything other than a bully child?'