Monster-in-law (3)

11 June, Madam Mo's apartment, City K

After calming down from the call, Madam Mo paused and dialled her oldest cousin Adam, and said "Cousin I need your help."

"What is it?" came the concerned response. 

"The judge Jade thinks will help me.  That b*tch, she has a judge that is controlling what I can do on social media."

"What!" came the shocked response "I thought you had already started your plans."

"I had planned to do that today.  I wanted the news reports to flow through, thinking that the water army that I could hire would then commence posts that started going on about how unfair this was, how it demeaned real victims of s*xual assault, how the charges seemed implausible, and most importantly focusing on the police.  However, someone started posting overnight."

"That can only help you.  That water army can focus on promoting those posts."