What?!!! (3)

11 June, Matthew's Villa, City K

Silence filled the air until the two of them heard Uncle Adam say, "Master Matthew, Madam Lexi, dinner is served.  Master Dominic came into the kitchen and told us he was eating there with us and the Warrant Officer but told us to serve you dinner in the dining room."

Without thinking, Matthew immediately moved behind Lexi and wheeled her into the dining room helping her settle before taking a nearby seat while dinner was brought out.  Once the staff left, Matthew before picking up the spoon to have his soup quietly said "We have to talk things through.  Dominic picked up on it…"

"Whose fault, is it?"

"Mainly mine Lexi because I started the conversation in front of him.  But at the same time, you need to be honest with yourself.  When we talk about the issues, we end up focusing on you."

"As it should be," snapped Lexi in-between spoonsful of soup.