Wedding plans (1)

12 June, Nang Family Villa, City K

Sophia hung up the phone from talking to Lexi.  It was easy to figure out how frustrated she was, but there was little that they could do to change things.  It all came down to that b*tch Madam Mo, and her egregious breach of trust she and Harry had put in her.  She so wanted to kill her but knew that it would do little for anyone, particularly John.  All they could do was be there to support him emotionally to deal with the consequences of their failures of parents.

But there was one good thing he had found a woman worthy of his love, and it was just delightful that it happened to be her best friend from High School.  Smiling, Sophia remembered the talks they had if they ever had children, how amazing would it be for them to get married.  They believed that they could be matchmakers.  How little did they know that without any interference from them, their children would meet and fall in love.