Wedding Day (12)

14 June, The Venue, City K

Matthew, asked "Boss are you alright?"

Head Honcho did not know what to say.  He knew exactly where his Majesty was, but disclosing that was not his secret to pass on.  Pulling himself together Head Honcho said "I am."

Silence again filled the line, before Matthew said "Boss?"

"Fine.  I will tell my daughter and the mother of the bride and groom.  You go and tell the groom and mention your other issue to him."  Head Honcho, smiled to himself knowing that this was the best solution, because it would allow John and his best man, the exact person Matthew had to find, to figure out what they would do.

Head Honcho added "Goodbye," before ending the call.

Turning, he knocked on the door of the room Bronwyn was getting ready in, before asked "Ladies, is it alright if I come in."

He heard Bronwyn call out "Come in Daddy."