Reception (10)

14 June, The Venue, City K

A noise alerted everyone to the return of the bridal party. Joan watched the happiness on John and Bronwyn's face as they came into the foyer and turned to David.

Seeing the momentary sadness pass across her face, David said "Do not worry, we will get what we want."

Joan signed, and moved backwards to a corner watching David following her. She quietly said "This is the one thing I am going to regret about our plans. I so want to walk into a reception like this, on your arm, proud and happy at…"

Touching her lips David said "Do not forget, we have the legal recognition of our relationship. That was the happiest day of my life because it was just us and a recognition of the commitment that we were making to each other. This," and David waved his arm around "is just for everyone else. What is important is the commitment."