An Early End? (1)

14 June, The Venue, City K

Lexi looked at the empty chair beside her, and then turned looking around the room, noticing various chairs empty, including a chair next to Madam Li across the room.

Linda herself, while chatting to Sophia was monitoring Lexi to see her reactions.  The moment she noticed her glancing in her direction she noticed sadness pass across her eyes, and quietly said "Sophie Mopie…"

"How many times have…"

"You told me not to call you that.  Old habits are hard to break."  Linda and Sophia laughed quietly together.

Linda, after they stopped laughing quietly said "Can you see Lexi over there?"

Sophia looked across at Lexi and calmly said "You see something I am not?"

"Habits picked up after years of practice being the wife of a senior military officer are hard to break."

"What do you mean?  Does she need me?" came the concerned reply from Sophia.