Reassessment (5)

15 June, Matthew's on-base accommodation, City K

Lexi, looked directly at Matthew before saying "I need to be involved in those discussions.  How do I know that you are not telling our son lies."

Matthew calmly responded "Lexi he was talking about me abandoning him, nothing more nothing less.  I just had to reassure him that I would not abandon him."


"Lexi do not thing about going there.  The war that you and I have been in for weeks, ever since the truth about Dominic's parentage came out has hurt him.  He views that I abandoned both you and him when he was conceived.  In his mind, and that if influenced from his friends at school, when babies are born their mummy and daddy are together.  He was never troubled about his parentage when he believed Richard was his father, because he accepted that he was there and had died."