Changes are needed (4)

18 June, Counsellors Office, City K

The counsellor hearing Matthew's words calmly responded, "You are perceptive, General."

Matthew responded "The nature of what I do, requires being perceptive and adaptable.  But, getting that through to me is not the reason that you pulled me aside, is it?"

"After talking to your wife, and observing those brief interactions before, I can only see one way forward.  And I believe that you are not going to like it."

"Ma'am, understand this," came Matthew's firm response.  "I love my wife, and I always have and always will.  I know that we cannot keep going the way we have the last few weeks because it is not only impacting both of us and our relationship, but also it is impacting our son and our family and friends.  That is not good for them, but more importantly good for either of us.  Because of that, subject to the restrictions imposed by my career I want to do what I can to work through things."