Changes are needed (7)

18 June, Matthew's Villa, City K

Matthew came downstairs and spotted Dominic running towards the back of the villa.  Matthew quietly said "Dominic, what do you know we tell you about running inside?"

Dominic turned, and with a cheeky smile on his face said "Not to run inside.  But…"

"There are no buts Dominic on this."

"I wanted to get outside, hoping you would come with me.  As…"

Seeing Dominic's pause, Matthew said "Something is bothering you."

Dominic nodded and added "Can we go outside and talk Daddy Matthew."

Matthew noticed with that the cheeky smile that had been on Dominic's face disappeared and realised that there was something serious that he wanted to speak about.  Without question Matthew followed Dominic, who quickly went outside and quickly settled himself down on the garden furniture under the trees.

As soon as Matthew sat, Dominic quietly asked "Daddy Matthew is everything with you and Mummy, OK?"