Dominic, please listen (1)

21 June, Matthew's Villa, City K.

Lexi hung up her phone, and sat it down on the side table, just as Dominic came bouncing into the room, and jumped up on the couch going "Mummy, Daddy Matthew told me you and he talked.  Is he lying?"

Shaking her head, Lexi said "We did Dominic."

Dominic turned his head and waited until Matthew walked into the room and looked directly at him, before turning back to Lexi and adding "You both better be telling me the truth, otherwise I will call Uncle Chester and Uncle Phillip to come and get me."

Over Dominic's head Lexi observed Matthew slightly tense before she quickly said "We are Dominic.  But I have not had anything sorted out for dinner.  How about you head down to the kitchen to arrange for something to be brough up…"

"Pizza!  Yeah!"

"Lexi gently shook her head and said "Not just pizza.  We all need something healthy, not just junk food.  Maybe ask about salads…"

"Salads!  Mummy, that is not fun."