Well ... (1)

21 June, Singapore

Sitting in the lobby, Steven sipped a cappuccino while he watched Paul, nervously looking around, as he occasionally took a sip of his tea.  Unable to help himself, Steven said "Stop being nervous and wound up.  Someone would think you are the one that has drunk lots of coffee, not me."

Paul turned and looked at him, saying "I do not know…"

"How I can stand the stuff.  You tell me that too many times, but unlike you, how often do I travel overseas for business purposes every year?  What, five, ten or even more times each year.  And usually to places where coffee, rather than tea is the preferred drink, so it has become habit forming."


"I know, you tell me that enough as well."  Steven shook his head, before continuing "Will you stop stressing out.  The deal is signed, and all we have is the dinner tonight."