Well ... (9)

21 June, Nang Family Villa, City K

Sally looked at her father and said "Daddy…" before tears started to flow further.

Without a thought Harry moved over, and crouched down in front of Sally, wiping away her tears before saying "It is not just this is it my little princess?"

Sally nodded, and said "Daddy he does not trust me…"

Loudly, John said "That b*stard.  I ought to…"

Grabbing his arm Bronwyn said "Calm down.  Let Sally talk to everyone."

John tried to brush away Bronwyn's arm, but the more he struggled, the firmed her grip became before he said "Let go…"

Bronwyn snapped "Not going to happen, and you know I can stop you if I want.  Now sit down and shut up, and let Sally tell us what she needs to."