Gathering the evidence (3)

** contains material not suitable for those under 18**

25 June, Matthew's Office, Military base, and David Hwang's office City K

"Get it right…" came the angry snap from Matthew.

Bronwyn held up her hand and said "Do not order me to tell you what you want to hear boss.  I have orders from a higher rank compared to you…"

"As I said, threatening me with your father."

"Your Superior officer, to be correct.  And as I said, we debated things, and after that debate the decision was things would take their course and we would exploit it.  The benefit is, I am working on the legal manoeuvres to ensure that not only is Lexi protected but we take every step to ensure that his plans to destroy the authorities can be stopped…"

"You think that can be achieved?  You do not know him."