Gathering the evidence (9)

25 June, Military base Hospital, City K

Bronwyn smiled before saying "I will show you where you need to go, but they have him in a clear room because they are worried about infection as of where the injury occurred."


"Lexi, I have not been able to get in to see him for an update.  What I have been able to determine is that everyone who is entering the clean room must clean down completely and change into sterile clothing before being allowed to enter.  Hopefully that is just the medical staff being overly cautious but it also means they are limiting who goes into the room, which rules me out."

Lexi nodded, and said "Can you wait for me then, because if he is going to be problematic, I will want you to get Phillip, Chester and Andrew here for me."

Bronwyn nodded, and responded "That I can do, so follow me."