The Devil is about to fall (2)

25 June, Military base Hospital, City K

Lexi walked into the clean room and saw Matthew sitting happily on a bed talking to the doctors, before she snapped out "What is it I hear about you not agreeing to treatment."

Matthew responded, "Who called you?"

"Bronwyn called my guards and let them know because she could not reach me.  After Joan's David tried on his suit, I sat talking to him for a little while because he wanted to know some of Joan's favourite travel destinations for future trips with her.  Just as I was getting ready to leave, she arrived in the office.  I thought after she left her family company she would not work, but it seems she has taken a senior management post in his company.  We had a brief chat."

"You did not need to be stressed out."

"Stressed out.  No, you are just being an idiot and I have to tell our son that his father was an idiot…"

Matthew snapped "I was not being an idiot."