Condemned by words (3)

25 June, Matthew's office, Military base, City K

Alice smiled and said "You know me well.  There are six male senior vice presidents on the presidential floor.  I would suspect that all the men are those, but we have to prove it forensically."

Matthew quietly said, "Is this a WAG?"

"Wild Ass Guess?  Not really.  It is what makes logical sense, but something when I first heard the recording, things did not make sense to me, and in some respect they still do not.  They are involved in something but what."

Matthew sighed and picked up a phone on his desk, placing the receiver to his ear before dialling a number at the NSS he had memorised, and as it was answered he inputted two separate pins before hearing "General Rong, what can I do for you?"

"I have two of your operatives here in my office…"

"Your childhood friend Steven, and a woman he introduced as Alice?"
