Outed and condemned? (1)

26 June, Prosecutors building, City K

As Steven was shown into the waiting area, he glanced around and noticed in addition to those he expected to see, was John dressed in his uniform.  The moment John noticed him, he came walking over and said, "What in the world are you doing here?"

"Calm down John.  You will soon know."

"As if you have a right to be here…"

A voice from behind said "Mr Hou, the national chief prosecutor is on the phone for you.  If you could come with me."


Steven calmly responded "Settle down.  After this press conference your wife knows enough about my background and given your security clearance, she can tell you what she knows."

With that Steven turned and followed the official and had a brief discussion with the Chief Prosecutor, before hanging up the phone saying to no one in particular, but at the same time to everyone "Let us get this underway."