R U alright? (1)

26 June, Military Base Hospital, City K

Steven, gently knocked on a ward door, and heard Lexi gently call out "Who is it?"

Opening the door, Steven entered and said "Me.  Are you up to me coming in and talking to you?"

Lexi, slightly tensed before responding, quietly "I guess so."

Steven, calmly walked in, sat his brief case down on a chair near the door before walking over to one closer to the bed to sit down.  As he did, he said "Have you spoken to Matthew?"

Tears started to fill Lexi's eyes before she responded "Yes, but…"

"Lexi, know that he loves you…"

Shaking her head "With what happened, he should just walk away."

At that moment, Steven decided to change tactic in speaking to Lexi.  "Lexi, there has been something that I have been hiding from everyone, but I have had to talk about it today.  Do you have time to listen."

"Time, is the thing that I have so much of at the moment."