Jail Birds (10)

27 June, Military Court, Military Base, City K

Matthew calmly sat waiting for the defence teams, given the court's ruling that only one of them could question him, to determine who would be the lawyer to do so.  He was, based on the reactions of the judges confident that they were happy that the material provided to the court was sufficient.  In his mind, he had determined that they Lawyer Chi would be the one to do so. 

At that moment Lawyer Chi stood to his feet, and said "Firstly, we want this made very clear.  We object to the court's ruling that only one of us can question the General.  While the motions of each defendant on the surface may appear the same, they are very distinct applications, and this is not serving justice in this case.  We want it noted that the court are obstructing how each defence team run their case which is designed to bolster the prosecution case."