Capturing the terrorists (2)

27 June, Ben's office, Military Base, City K

Matthew turned and headed to Ben's office, and as he walked in, he said "What is going on?"

"We have a problem.  For some reason Head Honcho told me I need to talk to that criminal Warren Gong."

Matthew sighed, and said "He has a deal for himself and members of his group…"

"You struck a deal with that…"

"Gang boss?  Absolutely, because he came bearing information about those terrorists that we have before the court.  Tell me, what would you do?  Ignore the possibility of getting additional information to take down a terrorist and his organisation due to the source?  You think that it will come from people that are clean?"

Ben shook his head, before adding "You are right on that.  You just are lucky I am the one stuck here.  David and Joseph would have told you where to go."

Matthew laughed and said "True.  How are you going about meeting him?"