Interrogation (7)

27 June, Secure interrogation facilities, Military Base, City K

Bronwyn paused again before looking directly at the terrorist and saying "You need to have a discussion, so I will leave you at the moment…"

"You b*tch…"

Bronwyn shook her head and said "I told you I am not a female dog, but for some reason the fact that you are behaving sitting there, makes me think that you are somewhat rational, despite your confusion of what I am.  So, I will give you the time to consider what you want to do.  Cooperate and have a chance of eventually getting out of jail or death, as honestly they are your only two options."

Bronwyn stood up and knocked on the door to exit the interrogation room, but as the door was shut, the soldier on guard outside said "Lieutenant, the Colonel has requested that you return to the observation room."