Stay there (7)

28 June, Military Court House, Military Base, City K

Forty-five minutes later, Lexi looked with trepidation at Lawyer Chi.  While some of Steven's questioning made her feel so uncomfortable, at least she knew what was happening and in the end it would not be over aggressive.  Now, she just had to settle in for what Steven told her would be the hardest part, the defence questioning.

Lexi slightly shifted in her seat to ensure she was directly looking at Lawyer Chi, who still had his head down, as if he was looking at something on the table in front of him.

Lifting his head, Lawyer Chi calmly said "Madam Rong, what you just told the court, other than a few facts about your business was a pack of lies.  The court should immediately be prosecuting you for perjury, and of course as a consequence throw out the case against each of the defendants as well as you providing significant financial compensation to each of the defendants hurt because of your actions."