Stay there (9)

28 June, Military Court House, Military Base, City K

Ten minutes later, the judges left the courtroom, and Joan stood up and yelled towards Lexi "Stay there you b*tch."

Matthew squeezed Lexi's hand, but before anyone could day anything else, she stood up, calmly responded "You do not control me, and I cannot wait until you go down for what you were responsible for."

"F*ck you, b*tch.  With friends like you who are willing to tell lie after lie, who needs enemies."

Lexi turned her head slightly, briefly looked at Matthew who was looking at her with concern, but love for her visible in his eyes.  She turned back to look at Joan before she said "You are deluding yourself Joan.  You know what I have figured out in the last couple of days?  You are not my friend, and I wish you never were."

"Same here.  Who would expect you to lie time and time again before the court."