The Final Offer (2)

4 July, Matthew's Villa, City K

Lexi observing Steven, and shook her head before saying, "You know things are not going to be the same going forward, are they?"

Steven nodded, before saying "Life always changes Lexi.  Who would have expected at Christmas time last year, you and Matthew would be married, and despite your ups and downs you actually seem happy."

Lexi turned and looked at Matthew who lifted his head and smiled at her, before she turned back and said "There are times that I am happy, but you know the ups and downs that we have bene through in a little over six months.  That is challenging at the best of times."

Steven chuckled and said "You should know that relationships do not go smoothly at the best of times."

Lexi nodded, before adding "There is always challenges for any person, and with the two of us do you think things would go smooth?"