The Final Offer (11)

**contains reference to material not suitable for those under 18**

5 July, Military Jail, Military Base, City K

Lexi when "What?"

"Madam Rong, you can now say what you have to say."

Lexi shuddered, and under the table Matthew gently gripped her left hand and squeezed it gently as to give her some comfort.  She turned slightly and observed the look on Matthew's face.  That brief glance told her that Matthew would be here and make sure that she was safe.

Lexi took two deep breaths, before looking directly into the eyes of Gary Zhu.  Firmly, but in a quiet voice she said "I want you to understand this, what you have been involved with has hurt so many people.  I am just once voice of a person hurt by what you have done, but I suspect every person hurt by your actions would say the same thing.  I hate you, what you have done and want you to receive the full punishment of the law.  That is what you deserve."