The Final Offer (16)

**Contains references to material not suitable for those under 18**

5 July, Military Jail, Military Base, City K

Gary Zhu paused, and said "Seriously, I do not want to tell you everything and then have to repeat myself.  I just want to do this once and get it over and done with.  I want…"

Stopping, Gary Zhu shook his head before saying "No, I need to start my punishment for everything that I have done, because I cannot move forward with my life, whatever that may be."

Observing the seriousness on his face, the lawyer quickly moved over and knocked on the door, which say Steven and Bronwyn re-enter the conference room.

After everyone sat down, Gary Zhu calmly said "I will talk.  As I said, my only concern is the protection of Claire and my daughter.  They need new identifies, and money to continue to support themselves.  Everything else, I do not care about…"