A Little Interlude (2)

** contains material not suitable for those under the age of 18**

5 July, Matthew's Villa, City K

Lexi, smiled at Matthew's words, before calmly saying "That is a real possibility, because you like to be in control Mr General, and tonight you are not going to be."

Matthew nodded and thought about the box that Rachael had sent him with the note.  His first thought was to throw it away, until Rachael telephoned him.  Her words were, that this would, if Lexi wanted to use it allow her to be in control of what happened, before explaining to him how it was to be used.

As he sat up, Matthew slightly twisted before pulling out the box, and calmly saying to Lexi "Do not shoot me, but this was delivered to me with a note that this might be something you would want to use at some time."

Lexi opened the box, and immediately saw the strap on d*ldo and lubricant gel, before, in shock she said "Rachael?"