Announcements Galore (12)

18 August, Gu Group, City K

Steven nodded at Paul, before turning and loudly saying "Can everyone keep quiet and gather around for the general announcement."

The Director spat out "This is my department and I make the announcements here."

Paul, walked over and stood directly in front of him before saying "It might be your department, but this is the company I am second in charge of.  I outrank you.  Due to your long-term service to the company, I rarely use my position to override you, but this is one of the cases I will do so.  Stand there, shut up and listen to what I have to say, otherwise I will have you fired in line with your employment contract which for you has a five year non-compete clause to protect corporate secrets.  If Steven's assessments of your legal skills are correct…"

"They are boss, they are."