Chapter 16 broadcasting

No one in the whole class is in a hurry to go down for dinner. Everyone lies at the window and looks up to the students in Beiwu.

Three martial arts, principal level.

But how old is she?

Gong Ling holds the palm of his hand hard. He is envious of his face.

That's what she wants, that's what she's trying to achieve.

North Wu.

god 's favored one.

Wang Lu Feng almost choked.

The students in Beiwu will really oppress people invisibly.

At such a young age, Xiuwei is going to catch up with his father.

You know, Wang Nanguo was also an outstanding graduate of class B Wuda.

Class B and the four core, it is the gap between heaven and earth.

It's not just class three.

The whole teaching building, all classes and all students are watching the students in Beiwu.

"Beiwu, another year, waiting for me."

Class 1, grade 2.

The monitor Zhou Yuncan's face was expressionless, but the clenched fist and the broken pen in his palm exposed his tension.

Others don't know that Zhou Yuncan's Qi and blood are actually 14 calories.

It's a distance of 180000 miles from the 19 card admission line of Beiwu.

"Zhou Yuncan, there is still one year to go. You have a chance."

Class 1 teacher patted Zhou Yuncan on the shoulder.

In this joint examination of senior two, the face of the second middle school of stratigraphy can only be guaranteed by Zhou Yuncan.

There is also fierce competition among several high schools in the city. 85% of the funds of the high school Department of the Education Bureau are in the potential class, and the remaining 15% need to be contested by several high schools.

This involves the most important teacher bonus.

The potential of senior two students is the hard target of appropriation.

Resources are constant.

If you take it, I'll be gone.

So the fight for several high schools is extremely fierce, which can be called a war without gunpowder.

The second middle school is so strict with the teachers, which is also to make them try their best to stimulate the students' heart of martial arts.

Class 3.

"Let's hurry to eat. You have one year left in senior high school. Fight hard and try to be admitted to the top four."

Dingbeitu broke the dead atmosphere in the classroom.

He wondered why the college students from Beiwu came to the second middle school.

It seems that they are not local.

But it's a good thing. There's a natural pride, it's an incentive for young people.

"Sophomores, three martial artists and four martial arts academies are indeed worthy of reputation."

Su Yue looked at the center of the yard and sighed heartily.

Only when we really start training, can we understand the distance between 19 and 17 cards. It's only 2 cards, like a natural moat, which completely separates the gap between class a Wuda and the four cores.


"Broadcast: Su Yue from Class 3, grade 2, Xu Baiyan from the first core Martial Arts Institute of North District, is waiting for you downstairs."

"Broadcast: Su Yue from Class 3, grade 2, Xu Baiyan from the first core Martial Arts Institute of North District, is waiting for you downstairs."


In the school loudspeakers, there was an impassioned broadcast.

It seems to be promoting the visit of Beiwu students. The radio broadcast three times in a row.

Xu Baiyan has already said hello to the political and educational department. Unfortunately, the principal is not here today. Otherwise, the martial artists of this level will have to be received by the principal himself.

Such a young warrior of three grades, who is likely to be a provincial governor or a general of the army in the future, must be treated politely.

At the end of the broadcast, all eyes of class 3 gathered on SuYue.

Gong Ling was surprised.

Wang Lufeng was stunned.

Even dingbeitu frowned.

A student from Beiwu, come to the second middle school of Jieyan to find SuYue?

What is the situation?

Don't look at me. I don't know this man either.

Su Yue is really confused.

Don't you come here for revenge?

I can't provoke such enemies.

Uneasy, Su Yue left the teaching building.

He has to ask, elder martial sister, if you have found the wrong person. There are many people with the surname su. They may have the same name.

Xu Baiyan caresses a zit on his forehead.

Should we squeeze or not?

Squeeze, afraid to leave pockmarks, my beauty is devastated.

Don't squeeze it. It's itchy and painful. It's like living in an ant. I'm not comfortable.

Come on, let's not squeeze. Let's have a fight with Su Yue.

Xu Baiyan heard that his brother's life value was only 6 calories, which was a shame to his father.

My father is in prison. I have to teach him a lesson from my sister.

Academic Building!

Su Yue came out with a confused face.

Behind him were the mighty students, swarming like locusts from the door.

Looking down from the sky is like a flood of people.

Su Yue has an illusion of fighting with the community, which is really magnificent.

Listening to the dense footsteps behind, Su Yue feels that life has reached its peak.

Is that how the boss feels?

Five meters from Xu Baiyan, Su Yue stops.

The students behind him also separated Su Yue by a distance of more than 10 meters.

They are here to surround senior sister Beiwu.

The huge yard was silent.

Su Yue looked at the girl in front of her eyes, and for a while she had a few words.

He suddenly realized that she had a zit and it was time to squeeze.

Three products of martial arts, also have the trouble of acne?

"Hello, this is Xu Baiyan."

Xu Baiyan felt it again. It was 6 calories of Qi and blood.

There will be an intuition to judge each other's Qi and blood between the warrior and the warrior.

In general, the probability of error is very small.

Especially when the strong judge the weak, it is more accurate.

Unless it's intentionally hidden, that's another matter.

"Hello, my name is Su Yue. You come to me..."

"SuYue, I'm disappointed in you."

Su Yuegang wanted to be polite. By the way, he asked the beauty what she wanted, but the other side cut in.


Smell speech, Su Yue is a face more inexplicable.

Do I know you? You will be disappointed.

You're a girl. It's a bit untidy.

Looking at Xu Baiyan's serious acne, Su Yue once doubted whether he had lost his memory.

"Today, I will teach you a lesson!"


The next second, people heard the crackle of the floor tiles. At the same time, a circle of strong wind spread out, and students' bangs were blown up.

Too bad!

Su Yue's eyes are shining, and Xu Baiyan in front of him has disappeared.


This is the performance of speed to the extreme. She even broke the floor tiles with one foot.

The floor tiles in layer 2 are solid and hard to crack with a hammer.

This is a woman's foot?

Can't bear Su Yue to think too much, a sudden crisis, directly drained the air in front of him.

Su Yue chokes.

Instinctive subconscious drives Su Yue to run away.

This woman, it's dangerous.

It's a pity that Su Yue has been whipped into the air by a whiplash leg before turning around with a 100kg load on his back.


Su Yue seemed to hear the crack of the bone.

Pay value +2

Pay value +2

The sharp pain made him suffocate, Su Yue's brain was blank, and the system began to add pay value.

It started at 2 o'clock.

"No, it's not wet here. It's a bit heavy. Sorry, sorry!"

Su Yue was pulled two meters high with one foot. When he fell, he heard Xu Baiyan's confession.

The key is also sincere.

Where did I offend you? Can't you make it clear and fight again?

Su Yue wants to cry without tears.

He has no ability to fight back at all in the face of the three martial artists.


Seeing that he was about to land, Su Yue planned to escape or pretend to die after landing.

Unfortunately, he thought more.

Xu Baiyan's body turns like a light butterfly waving its wings.

The second foot, accurate kick in SuYue hip.

He's floating in the air again.

Pay points +2

Pay points +2

Su Yue's body rose involuntarily, accompanied by a sharp pain in the buttocks.

He felt that he should worship in the temple.

I was just cleaned up by the major general yesterday. Today I have another female tiger.

I'm guilty of something too old.