Chapter 24 traditional virtues

When the guests left, the night was deep.

Although the bad guys didn't get punished, the trading contract was in front of him. Su Jianjun had already forgotten all his troubles, and he dragged the floor three times happily.

Su Yue also lamented that the house is clean and the floor is cleaner than his own face.

In the bedroom, Su Yue takes out a letter of introduction from his father.

"Western capital, sunset red nursing home.

"I didn't wait for the benefits, but also took a task of caring for the elderly.

"Dad, I'm really your own son. Who should I look for to reimburse the pension expenses? It's a mess."

Sue tore the envelope open.

He has to remember where the address is. Don't forget it.

Although father is not reliable, respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue, which is not a bad thing.

Everyone will have a day of old age, who will have a day of walking, not to mention money care, even if it is a short-term company, is also a good deed.

In a word, does Dad feel guilty about me?

The family property has been confiscated. It seems that he really has nothing left for himself.

I'll be more sensible later. Don't stimulate him if you have nothing to do.

"Damn, there's a fire."

Su Yuegang saw No. 16, sunset road. The letter ignited.

Su Yue swore that he was not evading responsibility and burning the letter.

Spontaneous combustion.

It's true that it's spontaneous combustion, and it's a miraculous event.

Seeing a piece of paper become ashes, Su Yue's face is at a loss.

Is this God's will?

Heaven let himself disobey my father's arrangement, and then test Beiwu.

Or Dongwu or Nanwu.

A man does not rebel against a young man.

But next second, Su Yue is disappointed.

He watched the address "No. 16 sunset road" and engraved it on his left wrist.

It's like a red tattoo, then it fades down and disappears.

"There's a ghost. There's a miracle."

Su Yue almost cried out in fear.

A few minutes later, Su Yue confirmed that he was cursed.

The address is haunting. As long as you think about it, the address will appear on your wrist.

When I don't pay attention, the address disappears again.

What evil curse is this?

"Dad, it's just to take care of some lonely old people. As for cursing me.

"I will definitely test Western martial arts. From today on, in my eyes, there is only western martial arts. OK.

"Is this my father? Even the son cursed. "

Su Yue also wants to cry without tears.

Right hand is still paralyzed, Su Yue is even worse.

My father should not harm himself. Forget it. Take a step to see one.

Practice and go.

One does not do two endlessly.

Su Yue finds out the silver needle directly. He bites his teeth and inserts the seventh one.


With a weight of 140 Jin on his back, Su Yue's broken bed immediately made a lament.

His own weight is about 140 Jin, plus the additional 140 Jin, which is close to 300 Jin. The bed board has not collapsed, which is enough for face.

"When you have time, you have to go to furniture city to buy a luxurious big bed, plastic mattress, the kind that shakes without sound.

"Now that I have money, I have to go to the incredibly luxurious house. No, I don't need to sleep. Why buy a bed?

"I can't. I have to buy one. In case a female classmate comes to visit, I have to have a bed."

"How about the water bed!"

Su Yue got dressed and began to run on the street.

Five days later, the final exam.

It's not far away from 16 calories of Qi and blood.


This time, Su Yue didn't need to give out any more. He chose a mountain outside to climb.

Carrying 140 weight, then go climbing, it will be really tired to collapse.

In the early hours of the morning, Su Yue just stepped on the top of the mountain.

He was sweating profusely and sore. He stretched out his tongue and let out heat like a dog, but it had no effect except looking embarrassed.

Su Yue found a problem. When his right hand was disabled, his arms could not swing naturally, and then his body could not keep balance. In this case, it was more difficult for him to climb mountains.


Available pay value: 21:00.

Pay counter:

1. Sleep forgiveness

2. The price of love

HP: 15 calories


After a night's work, Su Yue actually accumulated more than 40 pay points. Unfortunately, most of them exchanged for sleep forgiveness, leaving only 21:00 at last.

This is already a good result. When we used to deliver takeout, the pay point and sleep amnesty were just equal.

"One night, it cost me a military Qi and blood pill!"

Su Yue goes back to school.

Think of Qi and blood pill, and he will suffer from flesh pain.

But in a word, martial arts is a real money burning profession.

After becoming a real warrior, the government should have a lot of subsidies. Otherwise, Jinshan will consume less energy.

At the school gate, there is a public bathhouse. You can have a shower for 5 yuan, which is limited to 5 minutes.

In the morning of the second year of senior high school, I have to train early. My classmates are all sweaty and have a shower.

By the time Su got cool, the morning training was over.

The final exam is coming soon. Some students have asked for leave directly. They have even given up their culture lessons and made a final sprint all day.

Don't say early training. Su Yue has asked for a long vacation now. No one has asked. As long as you come back for the exam, it's OK.

Back in the classroom, Su Yue found the atmosphere a little dignified.

There was a big schoolbag on Wang Lufeng's desk. He lowered his head and didn't speak, just like he had committed a great crime.

Monitor Gong Ling and two other students are staring at Wang Lufeng.

"Wang Lufeng, what's the matter with you? Did you peep at the monitor's bath? "

Su Yue walked over and asked.

"Wang Lufeng, at the end of this term, when Mr. Ding needs you most, do you really want to transfer?"

Before Wang Lu Feng could speak, Gong Ling asked in a cold voice.


"At the end of the term, why did you transfer? Crazy? "

Smell speech, Su Yue also Leng.

Wang Lufeng has 10 calories of life. If you work hard, you may sprint to 11 calories.

The final grade of senior two is related to teacher Ding's salary performance.

Don't you want miss Ding's life if you transfer at this time?

"I'm sorry."

Wang Lufeng lowered his head and did not dare to lift it up. His words were feeble.

"Well, I'm wrong about you."

Gong Ling sneered, disappointed.

"SuYue, I'll talk to you after class."

Wang Lu Feng looks up at Su Yue.

"Well, good!"

When the guy looked up, Su Yue saw that his eyes were red.

After class, Su Yue follows Wang Lufeng to the playground.

"Is it because Uncle Wang is going to Hongyuan city to serve as deputy governor?"

In class, Su Yue finally came back to her senses.

Wang Nanguo will go to Hongyuan city as deputy governor. Wang Lufeng's academic status will be transferred to Hongyuan City, both public and private.

An 11 card student is not useless.

When the Provincial Education Bureau allocates funds, it is necessary to assess the situation of students in each city. If there is an additional 11 card candidate, the resources will tilt to some extent.

It's normal.

"My father didn't ask my opinion at all, so he directly handled the transfer of student status."

Wang Lu Feng's words are full of helplessness.

"It's OK. Understand you."

Su Yue patted him on the shoulder, which is the normal operation of parents. Your opinion is a fart.

"This time, it's not the same. The governor wants to rectify the Education Bureau. The head teachers of all schools are the first ones to open up.

"Here's the latest assessment system of the Education Bureau. The students already know it. Take a look.

"Mr. Ding is so nice. I'll go now. It's really a disaster."

Wang Lufeng sent a document to Su Yue's mobile phone.

Then he lowered his head and fell into self reproach.