Chapter 38 return of wild geese to the army

Arts in the afternoon.

It's not difficult. There are many multiple choice questions. Although Su Yue's left hand is not easy to write, he can't help it. It's a little slower.

The papers of Arts and martial arts are different.

Obviously, the difficulty of the martial arts examination papers has been reduced by force, but if you turn over the books for a few days, the HP value of this point will probably not be deducted.

Candidates who are not admitted to the potential class will have to take the real liberal arts exam in a few days.

The problem release of the martial arts examination paper has no influence on the liberal arts examination, and the difficulty is not of the same magnitude.

Due to the simplicity of the test paper, most of the examinees left the venue ahead of time.

Su Yue hates writing. 2000 words. I use my left hand. How hard it is to write.

The invigilator also hated Su Yue.

The paper is a five in one version.

Chinese, geography, biology and chemistry.

As for the subject of foreign languages, it was cancelled centuries ago.

The application of simultaneous translation technology has completely broken students' fear of being dominated by foreign languages.

Mathematics and physics are required for liberal arts students, and martial arts can be avoided.

Geography, biology and chemistry should be of some use to the warrior, so they are preserved.

There are three hours in total. In the first two hours, the candidates will be free.

For the remaining hour, the classroom was empty and the examiner was bored. He stared at Su Yue, the only child, and witnessed the performance of an epileptic.


Curtain of night!

At the end of the joint examination, according to the clues of the self violence of the examinees in each school, the scores are roughly the same as the previous prediction.

The first middle school should be the biggest winner. Liao Ping has 17 calories of Qi and blood, no problem.

Liu Ji in the third middle school, 16 Ka.

And Zhou Yuncan in No.2 Middle School didn't make it to 16, which he admitted was 15.

Under them, no one has reached 14.

There are only three candidates who accept 13 cards.

There are more and more candidates with 12 cards, and there are also five or six.

But under 14 cards, it will not affect the overall situation.

More or 9-Card candidates, 10 cards are not more than 10 people.

If no examinee intentionally conceals, the result announced tomorrow should be the same as today's prediction.

In fact, before the examination, the school has carried out a rigorous pre examination.

Only those students with 8 or 9 cards are variables.

The reason why the results are sealed up is to put an end to the cheating of powerful people.

As for SuYue's 18 card score, no one took it seriously at all.

The only time he was remembered was when he blew a placid bull and the last one came out of the examination room. The angry invigilator teacher's face was green.

It took three hours. This one armed great Xia is a wonderful work.


In addition to the joint examination of senior two, there is a piece of news in the city, causing panic among the people.

The investigation and arrest Bureau found more than a dozen bodies near the lake. All of them were sophomores. The way of death was the same as other cities in Renqing province.

This is also the handwriting of the evil disciples of Yangxiang sect.

Su Yue looks at the TV screen on the street, and feels sad.

In the picture, a body is lifted and mosaic is made on its face.

I saw these people die with my own eyes, but I couldn't help it.

If there is no yang to teach people, they are also potential class seedlings.

Should be happy days, these people's parents, should cry heartrending it.

Sure enough.

The world is not peaceful. The danger you don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

It was also reported in the news that this time the Yangui army took over the Yangxiang teaching plan.

"Alas, Dr. Jiumao is dead. The evil men should have escaped early, and the military is late."

Su Yue shook her head.

Yan Guijun, should be no less than another army of miracle Corps.

Unfortunately, they are late.

If in the past, Su Yue would be like other people, scolding the military department for coming late.

But now, he understands that there is nothing the military can do.

Maybe in the battlefield called wet environment, the loss of the military department is more serious.

It's not peaceful in this era.

After returning home, my cousin asked Su Yue about his achievements.

Su Yue told him that he was the No. 1 in the joint examination of Lvyan city with 18 calories, and let him and his classmates play hard.

But the little guy obviously didn't believe it and despised Su's more cheeky.

Su Jianzhou smiled.

Decades ago, with different college entrance examination policies, Su Jianzhou did not move out of Su Qingfeng to attack him.


Late at night.

The principal's office of No. 2 middle school in Lvyan is still on.

All the school leaders sat at the conference table and looked at the screen.

Renqing Education Bureau, video conference in progress.

The director of education presided over the meeting in person. All school leaders of No.

"After the results are announced tomorrow, all headmasters are not allowed to mix personal feelings.

"The reward should be given, the punishment should be given, and the student should be expelled from the school. If he wants to return to the normal school, he can't be soft hearted. He should be expelled immediately."

The director took the manuscript and the topic was serious.

The division war office is a combat organization under the jurisdiction of the governor's office, which is composed of teachers from the Education Bureau.

In Shenzhou, as long as you are a warrior, you must go to the battlefield. This is compulsory service.

Because of its special nature, the Bureau of education is served by the division.

It's a nightmare for all teachers to be assigned to a division.

The reason why the martial artists want to be teachers is that they can be exempted from military service. If they are sent back to the division, their lives will be in danger at any time.


In the video, the headmasters of five high schools have expressed their opinions.

The headmasters of the first and third middle schools are expressionless, which has nothing to do with them.

They are just waiting for the reward.

In No. 2 middle school, there are two teachers who should be able to go in and count down, among which dingbeitu must be the last three.

In the fourth and fifth middle schools, the results have been poor.

"You'd better attach importance to this matter. Yesterday, the former headmaster of a middle school in Fushi went to the governor in person to propose to abolish this assessment.

"Now, the principal should be on his way to the division war office.

"Everyone, don't drop the chain for me."

The director is really worried about himself.

The governor is determined to rectify the high school department this time. Let alone the teachers and headmasters. If they can't do well, they may also go to the wet Ghost Tower.

"Although the final results have not been announced, you must have a clear idea. I suggest that you talk to the teachers tonight and inform them in advance to avoid any accidents."

The director reminded again.

"The director is at ease. There are two last ten class teachers in the second floor. I will issue a dismissal letter later."

The first statement in layer 2.

This is a good time to flatter leaders.

"We also issue it."

The headmasters of No.4 Middle School and No.5 Middle School smiled bitterly. Although they were willing to protect the head teacher, they didn't seem to have much hope.

"I didn't force you to do anything. You'd better know."

The director shut down the video conference.


Conference room of Education Bureau.

The director also spits out a mouthful of turbid gas.

Why did the governor make a big effort to rectify the situation? Was it the race in the wet land that began to fight back crazily?

Earth warrior can't stop it again?

Division of war.

It was hell there, and the chief shuddered at the thought.

I hope that next year the teachers will continue to work hard. If it is still a mess, I'm afraid that the governor will assess himself.

The Ministry of education only manages the bureau level units of the armed forces University and the high school department and directly throws them to the governor's office.

In this way, the high school teachers are completely managed by the governor's office, which is also the reason why many principals are not convinced.


"Principal... This... "

When the video phone was closed, the teachers of the political education department looked at the principal and looked at each other.

"What do you want to see? Let Liu Dachen know and send Ding beitu's dismissal letter to him."

The headmaster picked up the dismissal letter on the desk and signed it.

As long as dingbeitu has also signed, his next step is not to be managed by the local education bureau, and the archives will be directly returned to the governor's office.

Only in this way can dingbeitu go back to his division.

"But, after all, the results have not come out, it is not appropriate."

Said a teacher in the political education department.

"What's wrong? Gong Ling has said it himself. He has only 12 cards and can't go back to the sky.

"Go ahead, don't waste time. Remember to ask Liu Dachen to inform in person."

The headmaster added.

It's up to the young people to do things that offend people and carry the pot.