Chapter 43 what to be afraid of and what to come to

"Next, let's invite our honorary teacher, Su Yue's head teacher... Speak on stage. "

After Su Yue left the podium, it was Ding beitu's turn.

The latter came to the stage quietly.

As a head teacher, he speaks well, but also officially.

At the end of dingbeitu's speech, the headmaster rubbed off his enthusiasm and read again. There are still some reasons for all kinds of piecemeal interpretations.

"Next, it's the honorary teacher's award. This time, we'll be presented by the governor himself."

Li Xingpei has already arranged for the TV station to broadcast.

The office of the governor's office appeared on the layer rock channel at Dun time. Before starting work, Jiang Fuyan, the governor of Renqing Province, sat upright.

"Governor Jiang's business is busy, so he can't come to the city in person for the moment, but adults will present awards in person through video."

Said Li Xingpei.

The whole school was silent.


It's enough for a teacher to be awarded by a provincial governor in person.

Jiang Fuyan took the manuscript and read out the prize carefully.

House, car, bonus.

It's not the same. Now the whole Renqing province can see the broadcast, and even some other provincial TV stations are broadcasting the award.

Jiang Fu paid close attention to the education reform. As a leader, he was also concerned by many people.

Dingbeitu remained calm all the time, which made many people in front of the TV overwhelmed.

This is a good teacher.

Finally, Jiang Fuyan finished reading the manuscript.

To have an 18 card student is also a hot oil in his rectification work.

The flame of reform is bound to burn.

This reward and punishment system did not mention the principal. Jiang Fuyan decided to reward the principal for resources.

But he didn't wait to open his mouth. Jiang Fuyan suddenly saw an off-road vehicle enter the gate of the second middle school from the video of the second middle school.

It's Qingwu's car.

Qingwu is a class a Wuda. Although it is located in the capital of Renqing Province, it is directly under the Ministry of education.

Although the office of President Qingwu is not as high as that of governor, the two are not actually in the same department and are not in the relationship between superiors and subordinates.

Even Qingwu will take some of the education funds from the governor's office.

At this time, why does Qingwu's car appear in layer 2?

It doesn't make sense.

Not only is Jiang Fuyan curious on the opposite side of the video, the whole No.2 Middle School is also staring at Qingwu's SUV, confused.

The off-road vehicle is sprayed with the school emblem of Qingwu. As a class a Wuda in Renqing Province, many people are particularly familiar with the school emblem.

Liu Dachen was still sulking.

But when he saw his alma mater's car, his pupils shrank.


It's from the personnel department of Qingwu. It's supposed to take dingbeitu back to school.

That's right.

Both the president and the governor signed the letter of dismissal of dingbeitu. Qingwu's people are bound to take dingbeitu back to school as soon as possible, which is also a respect for scholars.

Calculate the time, almost.

Driving from Qingwu, the first road is 220 miles, two hours, just arriving at Jieyan city.

Dingbeitu signed the dismissal letter, almost two hours ago.

It's really over this time.

The governor's video hasn't been cut off. Qingwu's people have come.

Come whatever you are afraid of.

"Are you Mr. Ding beitu? We are the personnel department of Qingwu. We are here to meet you. "

Three middle-aged people got off the bus, one of them said.

As young people, all efficiency first, they don't care about any rules at all, just take people away.

What's more, the second middle school actually chose the way of dismissal, which is not too much.

Qingwu has received a scan of Ding beitu's dismissal letter and completed the entry formalities.

Dismissal and resignation are two concepts.

It's a shame to dismiss.

Therefore, they will not take care of the face of No. 2 middle school. They will meet people in a special meeting and help Ding beitu to save his breath.

"Qingwu personnel department, what are you doing in No.2 Middle School of Jieyan?"

At this time, Jiang Fuyan in the video asked across the screen, his face is not good-looking.

"Oh, the governor is in a meeting. I'm sorry to disturb you.

"Mr. Ding beitu, as a professor of wet environment linguistics, has signed an enrollment agreement with Qingwu. We are here to take Mr. Ding back to school."

Seeing Jiang Fuyan, Qingwu's people were polite. After all, the other side was the governor.


"Dingbeitu is a teacher in the second middle school of the strata rock. Now, the personnel relationship is still in the Education Bureau of Renqing province. Have you taken over from me with my consent?"

Jiang Fuyan was shocked and angry.

Dingbeitu is a big treasure.

Not only can he cultivate 18 card sophomores, but also he has taken the wet environment linguistics professorship.

Compared with SuYue, wet environment linguistics is dozens of times more important.

This is the focus of Shenzhou cabinet training.

Jiang Fuyan also understood that dingbeitu was bound to go to Wuda, for public and private, and such talents could not be wasted in high school.

You can go, but there's a way to go.

For example, with the chip of dingbeitu, Jiang Fuyan can ask for more resources from the Shenzhou cabinet.

The annual appropriation is constant. If you are more, I will be less.

Renqing province can use dingbeitu in exchange for a lot of resources from the Ministry of education, which can solve the urgent problem for him.

After all, there is a lot of pressure on him, the governor, to carry out education reform.

Although the local education bureau also bears the name of education, it is under the jurisdiction of the governor's office and is also a starving institution.

Only Wuda can get direct funding from the Ministry of education.

However, the rate of senior high school students will be assessed by the governor's office, so Jiang Fuyan should pay close attention to education.

Now we have a picture of dingbeitu, which is a good chip for us to fight with the Ministry of education.

"I'm sorry, governor.

"Two hours ago, the Renqing Provincial Education Bureau received the dismissal letter from dingbeitu, which we uploaded to the Ministry of education.

"Now that you have signed the letter of dismissal in person, why bother us?"

Qingwu people are very calm.

When the formalities are complete, they are not afraid of any governor.

No one can fake Jiang Fuyan's autograph.


In the video, the governor's desk abruptly splits in the middle.

He stared at Li Xingpei in the video.

As the governor, Li Xingpei has to give himself an explanation.

And Li Xingpei's face was dazed, almost stunned.

What happened?

Dingbeitu became an expert in wet environment linguistics, which is a great thing.

But why did the second middle school fire him?

When did I get fired? How could I not know?

No one asked me to sign?

I'm here to present the prize happily.

Li Xingpei looks at the headmaster of No. 2 middle school again. This is the first responsible person.

"I'm sorry, governor. I signed the dismissal letter of dingbeitu ahead of time. I thought Ding beitu would be the last one, but Su Yue could get 18 cards.

"What's more, Ding beitu got the qualification of Professor of wet environment linguistics."

The headmaster's heart is breaking.

Dingbei map, Dingbei map.

My life is in your hands.

When you take the wet environment linguistics test, you should have said it earlier.

I want to know that you are a professor. I can't offer you as a grandfather.

This time, it's over.

Is God willing to accept himself?


The governor smashed the camera with a blow.

"I'm sorry, Lord Dido. I didn't expect it to be like this."

Dingbeitu gave a wry smile.

Later, he left the rostrum and said goodbye to them.

The whole class is very happy. Although they don't know what wetness linguistics is, they know that Mr. Ding is going to work in Qingwu.

"Miss Ding, I will definitely be admitted to Qingwu. You are still my teacher."

Gongling's crying eyes are swollen.

"If we can make it to the top four, we still have to work hard.

"Of course, Qingwu is also a good choice."

Dingbeitu patted the students on the shoulder.

"Teacher, you hide deep, know you are not simple."

Su Yue also admired dingbeitu.

"You hide deeper, little fox."

Dingbeitu pinched Su Yue's arm.

Later, Ding beitu bowed to the school and walked away.

He loves this place, but it's also sad.