Worth the sacrifice

"He is an evil being who has lived for centuries. He possesses the power to shapeshift, the ability to create demons and many more you can't ever imagine.

His power grows the more he consumes the soul of pure hearted humans.

He plans to take control over earth by turning those with tainted hearts into demons and make them serve under him, while sucking the life out of the pure hearted human to maintain his immortality." Clara explained with a serious expression.

She's glad to be finally letting it out to someone.

'Oh dear!' Sonya exclaimed in her head, but still had a serious look as she gave Clara her full attention.

"According to my grandma, my ancestors had been fighting against this evil being for centuries, but he still manages to kill them all by aiming at their weaknesses, and now I'm the only hope left." Clara continued.

'Now she's bringing the poor woman into this,' Sonya cried in her heart, feeling very scared for Clara now. 

Clara, who had no idea how her friend was taking her explanations, continues. "I can't face him now because I have not fully awoken my Powers, and for my power to be fully awakened, I have to meet with my other piece, which turns out to be your boss. 

My compelling power to forcefully make people do my bidding, did not take any effect on him, which makes me believe that he's the one. 

If I could get closer to him, I will be able to awaken the power of the four elements of life inside me, which is water, air, earth and fire". Clara said.

'Great! now my boss is involved as well,' Sonya thought again, her heart feeling tightened as tears welled up in her eyes. 

Before she knew it, the tears began to stream down her face. If Clara was a novel or movie fan, she might believe she's telling her about a story she read or probably one of the movies she watched, but she has never seen her watching movies except news.

She doesn't seem to understand why a girl of her age would have so much interest in what is going on in the world, instead of focusing on how to work on her life that seems to fail at everything. 

"I have to befriend or be his lover. Either way, I just have to be close with him. If you want proof I can give you one before explaining further so you'd understand me," Clara said looking up to meet Sonya's teary eyes.

She was shocked and looked at her with a worried expression, "so..n..ya?" she stammered her name. Before she knew it, Sonya reached out her arms and pulled Clara into her embrace.

With a broken voice, "I'm sorry, I'm such a bad friend. I kept pushing you all these while, shouting at you, insulting you, not knowing such a thing existed in your life. I'm not worthy to be your friend.

I can't imagine how much you must have suffered all this while. I'm so sorry for not noticing earlier but I promise you one thing, even if I have to bleed out the last blood in my system I will make sure I set things right. From now on, you won't suffer alone." Sonya said, in between tears.

Clara was touched and couldn't believe her ears, she just believed all her words without asking questions or proof. She didn't even let her finish with her explanations before offering to help her.

She held her tightly  and put on a determined expression.

Even though her life is full of suffering after her family's death, Sonya has always been there for her. Using her free time to help her search for a job, and didn't give up on her, even when she kept getting chased away. A friend like her is rare to come by. 

She's just like her sister. Even a family member would have gotten tired of her, but Sonya didn't.

Now that she found her other piece, things will be different. The fact that they met alone will put a stop to all the bad luck in her life, and she could focus on awakening her powers and dealing with Gregory once and for all. He has taken everything from her. 

Her father, grandmother and her mother.

Even though she wanted revenge, she has to be fully ready or she might lose her life earlier like her mother, who went after the creature without going through the normal procedures out of vengeance. 

With her arms still around Sonya, she heaved a sigh of relief and smiled softly. Even though she always felt cheated, because the human being she was meant to protect, treated her like trash, this friend here is worth the sacrifice.

Well, those were her thoughts, because deep down in Sonya's heart, she's willing to spend her whole life saving to get help for Clara's brain. 

Even if she has to do it without her knowledge, she believes that it's for her own good and she will understand her after getting better.


Meanwhile at Leo's office.

Ever since his encounter with Clara that morning, he couldn't get the girl off his mind. 

Not because of her beauty which he could vouch that it has no rivalry on earth, but the image of how her eyes turned cloudy white did not leave his mind.

While busy battling his thoughts, the door to his office opened and his friend came in.

"Hey, Man!" his friend, who happened to be the same man that offered Sonya a ride and ran after seeing her face, said and walked closer to Leo.

"Can't you knock?" Leo said and gave him a fake glare.

"Seriously? you mean I should knock so you could throw me out? not a chance dude." Timothy, which was also referred to as Tim said, after rolling his eyes at Leo, before taking his seat in front of him on the couch.

Seeing Leo half dazed, Tim looked at him with concern. "What's going on? Why are you so deep in thought? If I had knocked earlier, I'm sure you might be in pain by now. Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine, it's just business stuff," Leo replied, changing his expression to stop worrying his friend.

"Oh, you got me worried for nothing," Tim said and let out a dramatic sigh. He laid down lazily on Leo's couch.

If one sees his casual habit of doing things, the person will never believe that he's also a CEO of a big enterprise that could rival Leo's own.

Leo rolled his eyes at him, "worried my foot! I'm sure you might not even notice my mood if there is a woman in here with us." he said and also lazily rested his back on the chair.

Tim suddenly sprung up, "Speaking of woman dude. I nearly had an accident today all because of one scary lady whom I got captivated by her curves.

Bro, you need to see how tight her ass looked. I could imagine my hand giving it a squeeze already and approached her, but when I looked at her face…...bro, I had to run for my life, because if I stare too much, I will start having nightmares." Tim said, still squinting his face at the thought of Sonya's face.

He wondered why a woman would appear on the street like that.

Hearing this, Leo would have rolled his eyes and ignored him, because all he knows is women. Or perhaps, mocked him, but he has his own problem at the moment.

He wondered if Tim was talking about Clara. 

Putting on a serious expression, Leo asked, "did you by chance saw her pupil turned white?" he asked, making Tim creased his brow.

"Dude, are you sure you are okay?" Tim asked once again.